Program Mir2; procedure P100; begin exit; end; procedure _CallMain; var iTime:integer; Switch:string; begin if This_Player.GetS(110,1) < 1 then Switch := '关' else Switch := '开'; if This_Player.GetS(111,1) < 1 then iTime := 0 else iTime := This_Player.GetS(111,1); This_NPC.NpcDialog(This_Player, '设置自动修复时间 <'+ inttostr(iTime) +'/@SetTime>^<['+Switch+']/@SetLoop>|'+ '{cmd}<关闭界面/@exit>'); end; procedure LoopNow_2; var k:integer; begin if This_Player.GetS(110,1) > 0 then begin for k := 0 to 16 do begin This_Player.RepairBodyEquip(k); end; This_Player.PlayerNotice('自动修复成功',1); This_Player.CallOutex(This_Npc, This_Player.GetS(111,1), 'LoopNow_1'); end else This_Player.PlayerNotice('自动修复已关闭',0); exit; end; procedure LoopNow_1; var k:integer; begin if This_Player.GetS(110,1) > 0 then begin for k := 0 to 16 do begin This_Player.RepairBodyEquip(k); end; This_Player.PlayerNotice('自动修复成功',1); This_Player.CallOutex(This_Npc, This_Player.GetS(111,1), 'LoopNow_2'); end else This_Player.PlayerNotice('自动修复已关闭',0); exit; end; procedure _SetLoop; begin if This_Player.GetS(111,1) < 1 then begin This_NPC.InputDialog(This_Player,'请先设置自动修复时间',1,100); exit; end; if This_Player.GetS(110,1) < 1 then begin This_Player.SetS(110,1,1); This_Player.PlayerNotice('自动修复已开启',2); This_Player.CallOutex(This_Npc, This_Player.GetS(111,1), 'LoopNow_1'); _CallMain; end else This_Player.SetS(110,1,0); _CallMain; end; procedure P101; var Inum:integer; begin Inum := StrToIntDef(This_NPC.InputStr,-1); if (Inum > 0) and (Inum < 65535) then begin if This_Player.GetS(111,1) < 1 then begin This_Player.SetS(111,1,Inum); _CallMain; end; end else This_NPC.InputDialog(This_Player,'请输入1-65535之间的数字',1,100); exit; end; procedure _SetTime; begin This_NPC.InputDialog(This_Player,'请输入时间',0,101); end; begin _CallMain; end.